CETPI Business Centre at SITEF '95
CETPI was conceived and developed by the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CRCI) Midi-Pyrénées and run by its ARIST division with support from the Euro-Info-Centre (EIC). It constitutes an original initiative adapted to the need for innovation for SMEs.
The objective of SITEF is to provide a setting for the exchange of information and the transfer of technology at an international level. It includes an extensive exhibition area dedicated to five main key industry areas:
- Aeronautics and space;
- Land transport and transport infrastructure;
- Information and communications;
- Industrial production;
- Natural resource and life industries.
This objective of the Business Centre is to bring those offering technological partnership schemes from around Europe and present at SITEF '95 into direct contact with companies interested in the acquisition or joint development of new technologies in the following fields:
- Advanced materials (composites, materials for building and public works, etc.) and biomaterials;
- Environment (treating waste and water, de-contamination, etc.);
- Bio-industry and Agro-Foodstuff industry;
- Medical and satellite-related imaging.
A European census of those offering partnerships (research bodies and companies) indicates the participation of 25 French, 12 Spanish, 12 Italian, 10 German, 6 Greek, 3 Irish and 1 Portuguese companies or organizations, i.e. about 70 offers for more than 200 partnership proposals.
A special SITEF '95 bilingual French and English catalogue will be drawn up to present all offers for European partnerships. This publication will be widely distributed throughout Europe.
At SITEF '95, a surface area of 500 m2 will be set aside for three days of Business Centre meetings with special arrangements being made to foster exchanges and provision of services adapted to the participants' needs (pre-arranged appointments, interpreting, legal advice, etc.).
On its inception, the CETPI initiative was designed to make the very most of opportunities in inter-company technological co-operation, with a view to making access to innovation smoother and easier. The CRCI's aim in establishing the body was to endow it with a capability of identifying those offering technological partnerships and companies on the look-out for innovative products or processes in closely targeted areas.
CETPI has acquired its European dimension particularly due to different services integrated by the CRCI, such as the Euro-Info-Centre and the VALUE office. These two entities, which are linked up to European networks (DG XXIII for EIC and DG XIII for the VALUE Relays), have encouraged an increasing number of contacts with other European bodies interested in this approach.
As things stand, CETPI is pursuing two aims:
- The reinforcement of national and European level promotion of offers or technological partnerships from companies in the Midi-Pyrénées, by every means available:
. Distribution of bilingual catalogues bringing together these offers to different European bodies acting as relays in relation to business ventures;
. Participation in specialised fairs alongside local industrialists (Hanover Fair, Turin SITEV, etc.);
. Distributing proposals through specific national publications and the European RTD-Results database.
- At European level, drawing up a list of transferable technologies to distribute them to regional and European industrialists in order to facilitate the development and marketing of new products and processes.
These actions are carried out thanks to the financial support of the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council, the Direction Régionale de l'Industrie, de la Recherche et de l'Environnement (DRIRE) and the Commission.
To accelerate and concretize these European exchanges, the CETPI group within the CRCI Midi-Pyrénées is organizing a European-scale event within the framework of SITEF, an event known as the " Business Centre ", to take place on 25-27 October 1995.
Titles Of technology offers which will be present during the event are as follows (the list is not exhaustive ):
- Imagery:
. Artificial vision station for traffic parameter processing (Spain);
. Mapsat and mapsat-radar software: image processing for statistical analysis and cartography (France);
. Text to speech voice synthesis workshop (France);
. 3D vision system for medical applications (Italy);
. Geogramma: services and solutions for environment and mapping (Italy);
. M-AT - journey mapping analysis software (France);
. M-TRACE - GPS vehicle location and monitoring software (France);
. Image correction, motion estimation and 3d measurements with photogrammetry and neural nets (Italy);
. TELEPACS: a system for the acquisition, management and communication of multimodality medical images (Greece);
. DELTOS: conservation, documentation and administration management system for sites, monuments and preserved buildings (Greece);
- Advanced Materials And Biomaterials:
. Prosthesis covering using plasma projection (France);
. New bone replacement materials (France);
. OMC deposit by sol-gel process (France);
. Coloured plasters using fat lime and marble powder (Italy);
. Ceramic/metal and ceramic/ceramic structural bonding (France);
. Metal - ceramic composite coatings obtained by electrolytic co-deposition (France);
. Anti-wear plated sheet metal (Italy);
. Ceramic dental implants (France);
. Colouring process for stainless steels (France);
. Developing and forming metallic, ceramic, composite and advanced materials (France);
. Temperature measurement by optical pyrometry (France);
. Truncated cone segment structures made of composite materials to replace concrete structures (Spain);
. Injection mould for the production of ceramic and metallic composites (Spain);
. Polyester barriers for road safety (Spain);
. Heat conductivity measurement for insulators and thermal fluxes (France);
. Thermal projection of metals, alloys and ceramics (France);
. Photochemical process for polymerisation and production of plastic materials reinforced by glass, carbon and other fibres (Italy).
- Environment:
. De-contamination process for objects or soils polluted by heavy metals (France);
. Selective absorber of solar energy from stainless steel (France);
. Catalyser for gas de-pollution (France);
. BMS aerotor/blivet: package sewage treatment plant for treating waste water from unsewered developments (Ireland);
. Passive refrigeration system for the transport and storage of perishable products (Spain);
. Recovery and elimination of phenol from residual waters (Spain);
. Pressing and packing machine for solid urban refuse (Spain);
. Treatment of residual waters and mud using pure oxygen and ozone (Spain);
. Telemetry, display and detection of objects by ultrasonics methods in a hostile environment (France);
. Device to transvase spray granular or liquid materials (France);
. Gas level measurement by laser method (France);
. System for the treatment of biogas (Italy);
. Compost transposing machines for indoor and outdoor composting (Germany);
. Heavy metal adsorber diakat (Germany);
. Services for the collection, transportation and processing of urban, special, toxic waste (Italy);
. Turbomachine aeroacoustics (France);
. A mobile FT-IR system for rapid determination and identification of atmospheric gases and some volatile organic compounds (Greece);
. WPO process: technique for the treatment of aqueous effluents and waste containing organic matter (France);
. Ecological tanning in an aqueous medium without chrome waste (France);
. WW photoperm process: complete mineralization of organic agents of industrial water and waste (Italy);
. Sulphoperm process: desulphuration of gaseous emissions from thermoelectric plants (Italy);
. Aquaphysics - anti-lime installation (Germany).
- Bio-Industry, Agricultural And Foodstuff Industries:
. Collecting ACA-DC Bacteria (Greece);
. Accumulation of cholesterol and its reduction in coprostanol by lactic acid bacteria (Greece);
. Know-how in preparing table waters and soft drinks (France);
. Know-how in treatment of fruit and derived products (France);
. Know-how in dairies and cheese and butter producing plants (France);
. Soya bean processing by enzyme treatment (France);
. industrial production of spores of Penicillium, P. Candidum, P. Glaucum, P. Album, P. Nalgiovensis, Etc. (France);
. Production of natural gas (network quality) from biogas (France);
. Drying agricultural products using solar energy (France);
. New food preserving method for packed products such as biscuits, cakes, etc. (France).
For further information, please contact:
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Toulouse
BP 606
31002 Toulouse Cedex
Tel. +33-61-336500/336656; Fax +33-61-254260
For further information on ARIST, please contact:
Agences Regionales d'Information Scientifique et Technique (ARIST)
Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d'Industrie
5 rue Dieudonne Costes, BP 32
F 31701 Blagnac Cedex
Tel. +33-62-742000; Fax +33-62-742020