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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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European Community support for energy projects

Three seminars dealing with European Community support for energy projects under the THERMIE programme will take place in the UK during September 1995. The seminars will be held in Glasgow on 19 September 1995, in Manchester on 20 September 1995 and in London on 21 September 1...

19 September 1995 - 19 September 1995
United Kingdom
Three seminars dealing with European Community support for energy projects under the THERMIE programme will take place in the UK during September 1995. The seminars will be held in Glasgow on 19 September 1995, in Manchester on 20 September 1995 and in London on 21 September 1995. The events are being organized by the Department of Trade and Industry in conjunction with the Department of the Environment in the United Kingdom.

The events will deal with the next THERMIE call for proposals which is expected to be published on 15 September 1995 and other energy-related measures under the Fourth Framework Programme for research and technological development and demonstration (1994-1998).
For further information, please contact:

Ms. Sheena Newell
Building 153
Oxon OX11 ORA
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-1235-433602; Fax +44-1235-432923