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Energy and environmental technology: Investment forum

A SPRINT transnational investment forum on energy and environmental technology will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 16-17 October 1995.

The aim of these fora is to bring European investors, companies and entrepreneurs with innovative and marketable technologies toge...

16 October 1995 - 16 October 1995
A SPRINT transnational investment forum on energy and environmental technology will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 16-17 October 1995.

The aim of these fora is to bring European investors, companies and entrepreneurs with innovative and marketable technologies together at a single venue. This particular investment forum will be dedicated to environmental technology - an area which continues to offer very attractive commercial opportunities.

Up to 25 of the best projects developed under the Community's SPRINT programme, will be selected for participation by a team of sector experts. The preliminary programme of presentations covers the following areas:

- Renewable energies (wind turbines, landfill gas systems, energy-from-waste);
- Waste minimisation technologies (waste recovery systems, energy efficiency processes, recycling systems);
- Marine pollution treatment equipment (oil agglomerates, oil interceptors, sorbents);
- Solid waste treatment equipment (landfill linings, leachate control systems);
- Monitoring equipment (water quality monitoring systems, air quality monitoring systems, remote sensors);
- Water treatment technologies (water filtration, non-physical treatment technologies);
- Wastewater treatment equipment (sludge processes, biological treatment systems, advanced membranes, tertiary treatment systems);
- Land remediation technologies (biological processes);
- Air pollution control (dust and fume control, gaseous control systems, VOC recovery equipment).

The forum is aimed primarily at European venture and development capitalists, pension fund managers, institutional investors, corporate finance executives and entrepreneurs.
For further information, please contact:

ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd.
Dr. Richard Haines
Priestly House
28-34 Albert Street
Birmingham B4 7UD
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-121-6161010; Fax +44-121-6161099