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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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European Nuclear Society (ENS) meeting on "Research Facilities for the Future of Nuclear Energy"

A European Nuclear Society meeting on "Research Facilities for the Future of Nuclear Energy" will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 4-6 June 1996. The meeting is being organized jointly by the European Nuclear Society, the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN) and the Belgian Nu...

4 June 1996 - 4 June 1996
A European Nuclear Society meeting on "Research Facilities for the Future of Nuclear Energy" will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 4-6 June 1996. The meeting is being organized jointly by the European Nuclear Society, the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN) and the Belgian Nuclear Society (BNS).
The meeting will provide an international, scientific and technical forum for a broad review, at world level, of existing or planned large research facilities dedicated to tests for nuclear energy production. The following subjects will be covered:

- Overview of operating research facilities;
- Uses of current research facilities;
- Problems specific to research facilities, such as ageing, fuel cycle, waste, operating costs, regulation, personnel training and education of experts;
- Perspectives for nuclear power;
- Objectives of advanced nuclear power systems;
- R&D needs related to power reactor operation and development, including reactor core and fuel, neutronics, thermohydraulics, pressure vessels, systems, technology, safety, environmental protection, fuel cycle (including reprocessing) and waste management;
- Upgrading of existing facilities and development of new facilities. The conference programme will include both invited and contributed papers.
Potential contributors are invited to submit extended abstracts, in English, by the end of 1995. The meeting is directed at operators and managers of research facilities, research organizations which depend on the facilities for results, young professionals, nuclear utilities, fuel/components vendors, service and engineering companies, plant designers and operators, waste management agencies, licensing authorities and decision-makers.For further information, please contact: Mr. Jean-Marie Baugnet CEN-SCK Boeretang 200 B-2400 Mol Tel. +32-14-332412; Fax +32-14-320513