26th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
The event will include a special session on quality assurance in environmental analysis organized in cooperation with the Community's Standards, Measurements and Testing (SMT) programme. It will also feature an exhibition of analytical instrumentation, accessories and books and journals.
The organizers are presently inviting posters and oral contributions on all topics related to environmental analytical chemistry. Areas of special interest include:
- Sampling strategies and sample preparation;
- Hyphenated techniques;
- Elemental analysis, inorganic speciation and organic trace elements;
- Sensors for environmental monitoring;
- Biochemical detection techniques;
- Multiresidue (screening) procedures;
- Quality assurance in environmental analysis;
- Air, water and soil analysis;
- Transnational environmental problems in Europe;
- Environmental pollution in sensitive ecosystems.
Abstracts should be submitted no later than 15 December 1995. Authors will be informed by 31 January 1996 of the decision on their submission.
For further information, please contact:
Institute for Analytical Chemistry
Dr. Erwin Rosenberg
Vienna University of Technology
Getreidemarkt 9/151
A-1060 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-588014824; Fax +43-1-5867813
E-mail: erosen@fbch.tuwien.ac.at