Scientific conference on growth promotion in meat production
The aim of the conference is to enable contributors to assess critically the latest available information on the development and use of growth promoting substances, the risk that the use (and misuse) of certain substances can entail in terms of human and animal health, and on strategies and methods for identifying substances and their uses. The three main topics to be addressed during the conference will be:
- Existing and emerging growth enhancing substances;
- Assessment of health risks;
- Methods of detection and surveillance.
As the object of the conference is to obtain a comprehensive overview of the present state of knowledge in this field, the Steering Committee for the conference would welcome relevant material, of a scientific nature, from non-participating scientists. Data of general comments will be acknowledged and, if received before 10 November 1995, will be put through a process of peer review. Comment and data received after that date will be acknowledged and read by the Steering Committee but will necessarily be given more cursory attention.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Mr. Luis Quevedo Ley
130 rue de la Loi (8/172)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2950560; Fax +32-2-2950131