This year's conference will broaden the scope of the SUPERCOMPUTING conferences by extending the programme to integrate fully the capabilities of High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) and the Global Information Infrastructure (GII), highlighting a broader arena of research, administration and products. Educational activities from K-12 through graduate school will be highlighted as well.
The conference will include a workshop on the EC-funded EUROPORT project which is aimed at demonstrating that parallel computer technology can, in a limited time frame, provide real benefits to industry at large. The workshop will present and discuss the progress achieved by EUROPORT in porting 40 industrially relevant codes to HPC platforms. Application areas within this project include: fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, computational chemistry, oil reservoir stimulation, computational electromagnetics, radiotherapy, earth observation, drug design and animation. The workshop will include a status report, the lessons learned from the porting exercise, and the industrial relevance of the results. It will relate directly to code owners, potential HPC end users and senior managers in industry.
The SUPERCOMPUTING'95 exhibition will feature the best of high-performance computing and communication technologies and applications.
For further information, please contact:
Tel. +1-619-5345039; Fax +1-619-5345113
European Commission
DG III - Industry
Mrs. Agnes Bradier
200 rue de la Loi (BU31 01/34)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2968084