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European conference on "Multimedia applications, services and techniques"

A European conference on "Multimedia applications, service and techniques", ECMAST'96, will be held in Bordeaux, France, on 20-24 May 1996. The objective of the conference, which is sponsored by DG XIII of the European Commission, is to provide an open forum to monitor and ant...

20 May 1996 - 20 May 1996
A European conference on "Multimedia applications, service and techniques", ECMAST'96, will be held in Bordeaux, France, on 20-24 May 1996. The objective of the conference, which is sponsored by DG XIII of the European Commission, is to provide an open forum to monitor and anticipate the development of technologies that make multimedia applications possible.

ECMAST'96 is the first issue of a recurrent event launched by a group of major European industrialists together with the European programmes RACE (Research and development in Advanced Communications technologies in Europe) and ACTS (Advanced Communications Technologies and Services) and COST-237.

Contributions are presently being invited, from both inside and outside Europe, in the following areas:

- Production and creation:
. Image analysis and synthesis tools (hardware and software);
. Multimedia tools for application creation in a workstation/PC environment;
. Information sensing and presentation devices, virtual reality, 3D vision, telepresence;
. Image quality assessment;

- Coded representation of images, sound and data:
. Object/content/knowledge based representation of natural and synthetic images and computer graphics;
. Advanced compression techniques;
. Advanced signal processing architectures;

- Multimedia delivery on broadcast networks:
. Digitization of analogue delivery systems (DAB, DTTB, satellite, CATV/MATV, microwaves);
. Interactivity, return channels and associated multiple access architectures;

- Multimedia on telecom and professional networks:
. Core and access networks architectures requirements for MM services;
. Multimedia enhanced transport services, synchronization issues;
. Multipeer/multicast transport services;
. Multimedia in distributed systems platforms;
. WAN multimedia collaboration tools and services;
. QoS semantics for service users/providers, end-to-end QoS provision;
. Impact of multimedia on OSI and TCP/IP;

- Servers, terminals and storage:
. Multimedia servers and databases;
. Terminal equipment architecture;
. User ergonomics - service information multiplexing and browsing;

- Services:
. Multimedia contents and related requirements;
. Conditional access and copyright protection;
. Interoperability of multimedia services on telecom and broadcast networks, standardized interfaces;
. Mobility issues;
. Service management and maintenance.
For further information, please contact:

ECMAST Programme Committee
Laboratoire de Telecommunications
Batiment Stevin
B-1348 Louvain la Neuve
Tel. +32-2-2963476; Fax +32-2-2961786