European conference on "Multimedia applications, services and techniques"
ECMAST'96 is the first issue of a recurrent event launched by a group of major European industrialists together with the European programmes RACE (Research and development in Advanced Communications technologies in Europe) and ACTS (Advanced Communications Technologies and Services) and COST-237.
Contributions are presently being invited, from both inside and outside Europe, in the following areas:
- Production and creation:
. Image analysis and synthesis tools (hardware and software);
. Multimedia tools for application creation in a workstation/PC environment;
. Information sensing and presentation devices, virtual reality, 3D vision, telepresence;
. Image quality assessment;
- Coded representation of images, sound and data:
. Object/content/knowledge based representation of natural and synthetic images and computer graphics;
. Advanced compression techniques;
. Advanced signal processing architectures;
- Multimedia delivery on broadcast networks:
. Digitization of analogue delivery systems (DAB, DTTB, satellite, CATV/MATV, microwaves);
. Interactivity, return channels and associated multiple access architectures;
- Multimedia on telecom and professional networks:
. Core and access networks architectures requirements for MM services;
. Multimedia enhanced transport services, synchronization issues;
. Multipeer/multicast transport services;
. Multimedia in distributed systems platforms;
. WAN multimedia collaboration tools and services;
. QoS semantics for service users/providers, end-to-end QoS provision;
. Impact of multimedia on OSI and TCP/IP;
- Servers, terminals and storage:
. Multimedia servers and databases;
. Terminal equipment architecture;
. User ergonomics - service information multiplexing and browsing;
- Services:
. Multimedia contents and related requirements;
. Conditional access and copyright protection;
. Interoperability of multimedia services on telecom and broadcast networks, standardized interfaces;
. Mobility issues;
. Service management and maintenance.
For further information, please contact:
ECMAST Programme Committee
Laboratoire de Telecommunications
Batiment Stevin
B-1348 Louvain la Neuve
Tel. +32-2-2963476; Fax +32-2-2961786