Training course on "Molecular and cellular aspects of plant reproduction"
The course, financed by the European Commission under its specific RTD programme in the field of biotechnology, is being organized by the Department of Experimental Botany in Nijmegen, a member of the Research School of Experimental Plants Sciences (EPS). It is aimed at post-graduate researchers in cellular and molecular biology who have basic knowledge of, or interest in, plant sexual reproduction and biotechnology.
The aim of the course is to provide participants with advanced knowledge, both theoretical and practical, on molecular and cellular aspects of plant reproduction. The theoretical component of the course will include lectures on:
- Flower induction;
- Anther and male gametophyte development;
- Pistil and female gametophyte development;
- Pollen-pistil interactions;
- Plant biotechnology.
The practical sessions of the course will explore, step by step, the methods from gene cloning to gene function. Laboratory work will include:
- Gene cloning by differential display PCR (DDRT-PCR);
- Study of gene expression at RNA level, protein level and gene level.
For further information, please contact:
Department of Experimental Botany
Prof. C. Mariani
Research Group on plant cell biotechnology
University of Nijmegen
Toernooiveld 1
NL-6525 Nijmegen