Euroconferences in the field of mathematics: 1996
- Mathematical methods in industrial problems:
. Mt. St. Odile, near Strasbourg, France; 16-21 February 1996;
Coordinator: HENDEKOVIC Josip
Fax +33-88366987
- Symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science (STACS):
. Grenoble, France, 22-24 February 1996;
Fax +33-1-3042679312
- ICTP conferences in mathematics:
. School on non-linear functional analysis and applications to differential equations, Trieste, Italy, 15 April - 3 May 1996;
. School on algebraic and arithmetic groups, Trieste, Italy, 12-30 August 1996;
. School on numerical simulation of partial differential equations - methods algorithms & applications, Trieste, Italy, 9-27 September 1996;
Coordinator: NARASIMHAN Mudumbai
Fax +39-40224163
- "Séminaire européen de statistique":
. Stochastic geometry - theory and applications, Toulouse, France, 12-18 May 1996;
Coordinator: KENDALL Wilfrid
Fax +44-203-524532
- European conferences on advanced information systems engineering:
. Heraklion, Greece, 20-26 May 1996;
Fax +30-81-391601
Coordinator: BRINKKEMPER J.N.
Fax +31-53-339605
- Algebra and discrete mathematics:
. Group theory - finite to infinite, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, 13-18 July 1996;
Coordinator: HENDEKOVIC Josip
Fax +33-88366987
- Computer science logic conferences:
. Utrecht, The Netherlands, 20-28 September 1996;
Contact: Prof. VAN DALEN Dirk
Fax +31-30-2532816
Coordinator: BOERGER Klaus
Fax +39-050-887226
- EUROPROJ annual conferences:
. Liverpool, UK, 11-16 September 1996;
Coordinator: HIRSCHOWITZ Andre
Fax +33-93817348
- "Autour des groupes réductifs finis - représentations":
. Workshop on group theory, Luminy Cirm, France, 1-10 October 1996;
Coordinator: CABANES Marc
Fax +33-1-44322080
- Quadratic forms division, algebra and linear algebraic groups:
. Louvain La Neuve, Belgium, 25-31 August 1996;
Coordinator: BAYER-FLUCKIGER Eva
Fax +33-81-666526
Conferences for which dates have not yet been set:
- Euroconferences in mathematics:
Coordinator: PAPADOPOULOU Susanna
Fax +30-81234516
- Operator algebras - Euroconferences:
. Amenable operator algebras and their applications, Swansea, Wales, UK; . K-Theory and structure of C-Algebras, Marseille-Luminy, France;
Coordinator: PEDERSEN Gert
Fax +45-35320704
- Newton Institute Euroconferences (second series):
. Constitutive equations for complex fluids and their applications, Newton Institute Cambridge, UK; . Computer security cryptology and coding theory, Newton Institute Cambridge, UK;
. The mathematics of atmosphere and ocean dynamics, Newton Institute Cambridge, UK;
Coordinator: ATIYAH Michael
Fax +44-223-330508
. Mathematical models in the science of materials, Pisa, Italy;
. Geometry and robotics, Pisa, Italy;
. Geometry and combinatorics, Pisa, Italy;
. Computer vision, Pisa, Italy;
. Symplectic and hyperbolic geometry, Pisa, Italy;
. Algebraic geometry, Pisa, Italy. Coordinator: GALBIATI Margherita
Fax +39-50599524
Organizers of Euroconferences have been provided with funds, under the European Community's Human Capital and Mobility programme, to support the participation of a limited number of young researchers. Researchers (generally up to age 35) must be citizens of the European Union or researchers working long-term in an EU Member State. For some conferences young researchers from all the countries of the European Economic Area are also eligible.
Enquiries for further details should be made directly to the coordinator or contact point indicated in the list above and not to the European Commission.