First International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Technology
PAAM'96 is the first in a series, to be held annually, which will aim to demonstrate the benefits of multi-agent technology for solving problems in business, industry and commerce. Participants will be given an insight into the commercial value of this new technology both through practical demonstrations and presentations from leading international companies which are successfully introducing this key technology. Developments still in the pipeline will also be discussed, as well as the pitfalls for software agents.
This annual event will provide a major international forum for information exchange. It will include plenary sessions, a multi-track conference, introductory and advance tutorials, round table discussions and a full industrial exhibition.
Proposals for papers are invited on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):
- Personal agents for:
. E-mail;
. PDAs;
. Finding and retrieving information/WWW;
. Scheduling/diary management;
. Mobility management;
- Business/service agents for:
. Workflow management;
. Network management and control;
. Buying and selling services;
. Information management, retrieval and understanding;
. Information customization;
. WWW and Internet;
. Negotiation;
. Price discovery;
. Information arbitrage;
. Manufacturing planning and control;
. Process control;
. Traffic control;
. Process re-engineering;
- Tools and techniques:
. Languages for developing agent systems;
. Coordination standards;
. Standards for information transfer;
. Identity management;
. Monetary instrument standards.
For further information, please contact:
PAAM '96
Mr. Al Roth
PO Box 137
Lancashire FY2 9UN
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-1253-358081; Fax +44-1253-353811