PATLIB'96 - European Patent Information Conference
The theme for this year's conference will be "Helping patent information centres to be better partners for their customers". It will include lectures, workshops and demonstrations encompassing technology foresight, information superhighways, the EPO's products and new developments and the European perspective.
An exhibition displaying plans, or models of prototypes, of patented inventions will be held in parallel with the conference. The exhibition will be open to major information technology (IT) players (hosts, database suppliers, software houses, hardware manufacturers, industry, multimedia publishers and venture capital investors) and local industry.
The conference will be attended by invited guests from European Patent Offices in the European Union, Eastern Europe, Japan and the United States. Representatives from the European Innovation Relay Centres will also be invited. The exhibition will be open to both conference delegates and outside visitors.
For further information, in particular with regard to the PATLIB'96 exhibition, please contact:
European Patent Office
Dr. Nigel Clarke
Conference Organiser
Schottenfeldgasse 29
A-1072 Wien
Tel. +43-1-52126338; Fax +43-1-521263292