Globalization of information - the networking society
The FID congresses are held every two years. They constitute an important international forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences on recent advances in the field. This year's conference will focus on five specific areas within the overall conference theme:
- Leading edge-technologies;
- A regional perspective on information issues;
- The role of information professionals;
- Business and industrial information;
- The impact of the networked Information Society.
For further information, please contact:
Joanneum Research
FID 1996
Elisabethstrasse 11
A-8010 Graz
Tel. +43-316-876334/5; Fax +43-316-876320
FID Secretariat
PO Box 90402
NL-2509 LK The Hague
Tel. +31-70-314067; Fax +31-70-314067-1