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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Agriculture and the agri-food industry in view of EU enlargement towards Eastern Europe

Since 1991, the "Club de Bruxelles" has, with the support of the European Commission, has been organizing an annual conference on agriculture. This year's conference is devoted to the theme "Agriculture and the agri-food industry with a view to the enlargement of the European ...

22 February 1996 - 22 February 1996
Since 1991, the "Club de Bruxelles" has, with the support of the European Commission, has been organizing an annual conference on agriculture. This year's conference is devoted to the theme "Agriculture and the agri-food industry with a view to the enlargement of the European Union to the ten Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs)". The event will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 22 February 1996.

It will focus on the issues raised by the enlargement of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to the ten CEECs due to accede to the European Union in the next few years (Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Roumania and Slovenia).

The starting point for discussions will be two studies carried out by the European Commission, in 1995, on:

- The current state of agriculture in the CEECs;
- Alternative strategies for the development of relations between the EU and CEEC agricultural and agri-food sectors.

The conference will also allow the examination of the technical and financial means which will be made available to help the CEECs adapt their agricultural and agri-food sectors, and provide a forum for making contacts with CEEC Ministers and their colleagues.
For further information, please contact:

Club de Bruxelles
52 Avenue Adolphe Lacomble
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-7431520; Fax +32-2-7335050