EU activities in restoration and conservation to be presented at "Restoration'96 Convention"
European activities in the area of restoration and conservation will be presented in the following sessions, to be held on 18-19 March 1996:
- Research on the conservation of movable cultural heritage: European Commission related initiatives. An international panel will present and discuss the current status of EU research and technology activities concerning the conservation and protection of the European cultural heritage. Topics will include assessment and evaluation of conservation measures taken in relation to movable cultural property, as well as research funding, management and dissemination of information;
- Research on the conservation of historic buildings: European Commission related activities. Topics will include assessment and evaluation of the effects of conservation measures taken in relation to historic buildings, as well as research funding, management and dissemination of information;
- Documenting and evaluation: Techniques and technologies. The session will feature presentations on several non-destructive methods of recording physical data in use throughout Europe. Presenters will discuss the tools, applications and procedures as they relate to a range of resources. Technologies to be presented include x-ray, tomography and radar techniques;
- Masonry: Diagnostics. Speakers will discuss issues related to diagnostics and the design of restorative systems, with particular focus on microscopy and predicative methodologies.For further information on EU participation in this event, please contact:
European Commision
DG XII - Science, research and development
Mrs. Julia Acevedo Bueno
200 rue de la Loi (SDME 3/54)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2952043; Fax +32-2-2963024
Further information on the event itself may be obtained through the World Wide Web at: