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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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BAM'96: "Business and Multimedia" conference and exhibition

This year's "Business and Multimedia" conference and exhibition, BAM'96, will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on 22 October 1996. The event is being organized by Business and Technological Information Services (BTIS), Ireland, and Multimedia Technologies Ireland (MTI). BTIS has...

22 October 1996 - 22 October 1996
This year's "Business and Multimedia" conference and exhibition, BAM'96, will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on 22 October 1996. The event is being organized by Business and Technological Information Services (BTIS), Ireland, and Multimedia Technologies Ireland (MTI). BTIS has been appointed National Awareness Partner (NAP) by the European Commission and runs regular training events in the area of electronic information, notably the Internet and Multimedia.

The event will provide an overview of the latest developments, trends and applications in interactive multimedia and offer a forum for the exchange of information. Professionals and experts from a wide range of business areas will illustrate how multimedia has improved their company performance. The conference will cover multimedia applications in a variety of areas including product sales, corporate marketing, staff training and publishing.

The Commission's IMPACT programme for the establishment of an internal information services market will be presented at the BAM'96 exhibition.
For further information, please contact:

Martina Flynn/Dermot McQuillan
Multimedia Technologies Ireland
Tel. +353-161-202748/202746