Telematics for health and disabled and elderly people in the EU and South Africa
The conference will examine the manner in which state-of-the-art telematics technologies can provide solutions to the complex health problems of South Africa and the southern African region, and improve the quality of life of the disabled and elderly. Telematics projects from the European Union and South Africa will be demonstrated, highlighting the potential for working towards collaboration within common areas of interest and fostering mutual benefit.
The conference is targeted at users of health telematics, health planners and managers, clinical service providers, epidemiologists and health professionals, rehabilitation technology professionals, users of technology for the disabled and the elderly and researchers from South Africa, the southern African region and the rest of the African continent.
For further information, please contact:
Club de Bruxelles
Mr. Tim Robinson
52 avenue Adolphe Lacomblé
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-7431531; Fax +32-2-7335050
South African Medical Research Council
PO Box 19070
Tygerberg 7505
Republic of South Africa
Tel. +27-21-9380433; Fax +27-21-9380395