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Contenido archivado el 2022-07-29

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Series of seminars on aquatic processes and water technology

The Environment Institute of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is organizing a series of high level seminars on "Aquatic processes and water technology". Known as the "Blue Seminars", they will be held on a monthly basis at the JRC site in Ispra, Italy.

The seminars are being o...

28 Febrero 1996 - 28 Febrero 1996
The Environment Institute of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is organizing a series of high level seminars on "Aquatic processes and water technology". Known as the "Blue Seminars", they will be held on a monthly basis at the JRC site in Ispra, Italy.

The seminars are being organized in response to the intensified research effort required to better understand the functioning of the water cycle, and to develop the most adequate water technologies for the reduction of risks to the environment. In this regard, the main goals of the series of seminars, which are to be given by leading scientists in the field, are:

- To achieve an improved understanding of the aquatic processes and how they are affected by human activities;
- To identify the present state and future development of water technologies needed to cope with the major threats affecting the water cycle.

The "Blue Seminars" are open to the whole scientific community and are intended to serve as an open forum for discussion and exchange of information regarding the management of water resources in Europe. They are also expected to contribute to the implementation of the Task Force on water technologies which is being established by the Commission.
The first seminar in the series, entitled "Biogeochemistry of trace metals in coastal and fresh waters: kinetics and biological feedback", was held on 1 February 1996. Two more are planned for the 28 February and 27 March 1996. Details of both seminars will be published when they become available.
For further information, please contact:

European Commission Joint Research Centre
Mr. Giovanni Bidoglio Environment Institute
I-21020 Ispra (Va)
Tel. +39-332-789383 E-mail:

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