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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Meeting of COST Senior Officials, September 1991

At their 104th reunion, in Luxembourg on 26-27 September 1991, the Com mittee of Senior Officials of COST discussed, inter alia: Czechoslovak ia's interest in participation in COST Telecom actions; Bulgaria's req uest for participation in the Ionospheric Modelling action (COST...

26 September 1991 - 26 September 1991
At their 104th reunion, in Luxembourg on 26-27 September 1991, the Com mittee of Senior Officials of COST discussed, inter alia: Czechoslovak ia's interest in participation in COST Telecom actions; Bulgaria's req uest for participation in the Ionospheric Modelling action (COST 238); the COST Activities Report for 1989-1990; arrangements for the COST 2 0th anniversary and Conference of Ministers to be held in Vienna (Nove mber 1991), with the participation of the four new COST countries (Ice land, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia); the COST Evaluation Report to be submitted to the Conference of Ministers; a presentation concern ing the future role of COST Transport actions in the context of the CO ST evaluation; a report from the New Projects Group on three actions i n preparation ("Development of new radiotracers and methods of quality assurance for nuclear medicine", "Complex three-dimensional viscous flow prediction, modelling, manipulation" and "Scientific medicine and complementary medicine"). Also discussed were: Financial and budgetar y questions, particularly concerning the Commission's budgetary line " Support for COST Cooperation"; a report on intellectual property right s in the context of COST; and information furnished to the four new CO ST countries.