MP3: Research and technology meeting point
MP3 provides an opportunity for SMEs, research centres and universities to meet the main industrial actors in research and technology transfer from around the world. This year's edition will include three events:
- Technology Meeting Point: an exhibition presenting the latest technologies in design engineering, telecommunications, industrial automation, and environment;
- Technology Transfer Days: pre-organized meetings between Italian companies and international brokers, to enable these companies to get in touch with foreign companies offering or looking for new technologies;
- Technology Interprise Intechno: platform providing an opportunity for meetings between technologically advanced SMEs from Austria, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Israel and Italy in the areas of telecommunications and environmental protection. This event is supported by the European Commission (DG XXIII) within the framework of the INTERPRISE programme.
For further information, please contact:
MP3 Organizing Secretariat
Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi
165 Via Ventimiglia
I-10127 Turin
Tel. +39-11-6700634; Fax +39-11-6700680