ANALYTICA'96: Biochemical and instrumental analysis, diagnostics and laboratory technology
As the largest international trade fair for the high-tech field of modern analysis, ANALYTICA'96 will be attended by leading scientists and users from around the world. Particular emphasis will be placed, this year, on the importance of technology transfer from research to practical application.
The Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements of the Joint Research Centre of the EC (IRMM), and the Community's specific research programme in the field of standards, measurements and testing (SMT), will have a joint stand at the fair. This will provide participants with information on Community activities in this area by means of a table-top exhibition and video and CD-ROM presentations of various IRMM and SMT programme activities and project results. There will also be a proposers' forum, running throughout the event, for those contemplating making proposals under the various calls of the SMT programme.
For further information, please contact either:
EC Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)
Dr. J. Pauwels
B-2440 Geel
Fax +32-14-590406
European Commission
DG XII - Science, research and development
Dr. A. Boenke
Unit XII/C-5
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2958072