ORTELIUS: New technologies for information on higher education
The conference, which is supported by the European Commission (DG XXII), offers potential users the chance to learn about, evaluate and discuss the ORTELIUS database within the wider context of a general debate on the use of information technologies in education. Presentations will cover, among other topics, the following European Community activities in this area:
- The EC's White Paper on education and training;
- The Commission's "Multimedia educational software" Task Force;
- The INFO2000 programme for the development of a European multimedia content industry;
- The EURES (European Employment Services) network;
- CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service;
- The SOCRATES Community action programme in the field of education.
Access to this event is free of charge on the condition that participants undertake to participate actively in the assessment of the ORTELIUS project.
For further information, please contact:
Studio Oliva Scaramuzzi
81 Viale Milton
I-50129 Florence
Tel. +39-55-476377; Fax +39-55-476393
E-mail: Ortelius@vm.bdp.fi.it
The ORTELIUS database may be accessed on the World Wide Web at: