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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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INFOBASE'96: International information and communication fair

The INFOBASE'96 international information and communication fair, will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, on 21-23 May 1996.

The fair is a forum for both information providers and equipment providers, and private professionals interested in sourcing electronic information and com...

21 May 1996 - 21 May 1996
The INFOBASE'96 international information and communication fair, will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, on 21-23 May 1996.

The fair is a forum for both information providers and equipment providers, and private professionals interested in sourcing electronic information and communication media. The exhibition will cover a wide range of product areas, including:

- Database/Information suppliers;
- Real-time services;
- Consulting/service;
- Hardware;
- Software;
- Telecommunications and networks;
- Print media;
- Multimedia;
- Research and teaching.

There will also be a stand presenting the activities of the European Commission's Directorate responsible for telecommunications, the information market and the exploitation of research (DG XIII). Deomonstrations of CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service) products and services will be given at this stand, including:

- The CORDIS online databases;
- CORDIS on the World Wide Web.
For further information, please contact:

Messe Frankfurt GmbH
Mr. Michael Reichhold
Postfach 15 02 10
D-60062 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49-69-75756135

Information about INFOBASE'96 may also be found on the World Wide Web at: