Hardware/software co-design
The conference addresses theoretical aspects, methods and tools for hardware/software co-design. Its objective is to bring together representatives from universities and industry with an interest in the design and implementation of mixed hardware/software systems.
Organizers aim to strike a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. Special emphasis will be placed on the practical use of co-design techniques which assist in solving real-world problems. Areas of interest include:
- Future requirements for co-design environments;
- Hardware/software co-design applications and case studies;
- Heterogeneous systems design, including modelling and simulation techniques;
- Strategies for hardware/software partitioning;
- Hardware/software interface management;
- CAD tool support for co-design;
- Formal design and verification of hardware/software systems;
- Industrial hardware/software co-design;
- Reconfigurable processor architectures.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Martyn Edwards
Department of Computation
PO Box 88
Manchester M60 1QD
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-161-2363311/2003314; Fax +44-161-2003300
More detailed information can also be obtained through the World Wide Web at: