Preparing European aeronautics for the 21st century
The seminar will have presentations from officials from several Commission Directorates-General, as well as representatives from the European aeronautics industry. Topics to be covered will include the following:
- Aeronautic technologies to improve quality of life in Europe:
. The work of the Commission's aeronautics task force;
. Workshop on wake vortex;
. Workshop on hydrogen in aeronautics;
- European initiatives in favour of suppliers in the aeronautics industry:
. European support measures in favour of SMEs;
. BRITE/EURAM and CRAFT - specific RTD programmes for materials technologies;
. International Buyers' Exhibition (IBEX).
Further information may be obtained from:
European Commission
Representation in Berlin
Mr. Jean-Jacques Nuss
Kurfürstendam 102
D-10711 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-8960930; Fax +49-30-8922059