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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Environment policy - act locally, thinking towards Europe

A conference on European Union environmental policies and actions at the local level, entitled "Act locally, thinking towards Europe", will be held in Rome, Italy, on 21 June 1996. It is organized by the Ambiente Italia Research Institute, with support from DG XI of the Europe...

21 June 1996 - 21 June 1996
A conference on European Union environmental policies and actions at the local level, entitled "Act locally, thinking towards Europe", will be held in Rome, Italy, on 21 June 1996. It is organized by the Ambiente Italia Research Institute, with support from DG XI of the European Commission.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the EU environment policies best suited for local action. It will include sessions on the following:

- Current status and perspectives of EU environment policies, including:
. Fifth environmental action programme;
. European Environment Agency;
. European sustainable cities project;
. Results of the Habitat II conference;
. Environmental policies at local level in Italy;

- European supporting measures and success stories:
. Financial support at local level;
. European good-practice information system for the dissemination of results of successful projects;
. Information and action infrastructure in Italy.

There will also be a round table on experiences and proposals for local action towards sustainable development.
For further information, please contact:

Istituto di Ricerche Ambiente Italia
Claudia Semenza
Via Carlo Poerio 39
I-20129 Milano
Tel. +39-2-29406175; Fax +39-2-29406213