Environment policy - act locally, thinking towards Europe
The aim of the conference is to discuss the EU environment policies best suited for local action. It will include sessions on the following:
- Current status and perspectives of EU environment policies, including:
. Fifth environmental action programme;
. European Environment Agency;
. European sustainable cities project;
. Results of the Habitat II conference;
. Environmental policies at local level in Italy;
- European supporting measures and success stories:
. Financial support at local level;
. European good-practice information system for the dissemination of results of successful projects;
. Information and action infrastructure in Italy.
There will also be a round table on experiences and proposals for local action towards sustainable development.
For further information, please contact:
Istituto di Ricerche Ambiente Italia
Claudia Semenza
Via Carlo Poerio 39
I-20129 Milano
Tel. +39-2-29406175; Fax +39-2-29406213
E-mail: ambiente.italia@galactica.it