Electronic information as a strategic resource to increase the competitiveness of European SMEs
Sessions will be held on the following:
- The role of sectoral associations;
- The transfer process from large enterprises towards SMEs;
- The need for new skills: the role of education.
The workshop will examine the synergy between these three tools - sectoral associations, transfer and education - for SMEs.
In addition, the workshop will provide an overview of two projects, COMPACT and TRAIN-SME, funded under the IMPACT II programme, the predecessor of INFO2000, for the establishment of an internal information services market (1991-1995).
For further information, please contact:
INFO2000 Help Desk
Mr. Marc Willem
Tel. +352-401162-222; Fax +352-401162-234
E-mail: mwillem@echo.lu
Additional information may be found on the World Wide Web at: