International Symposium on Interoperability of Software Systems
The purpose of the symposium is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of the interoperability of software systems. It will cover the design and implementation of heterogeneous, distributed systems, new paradigms for building such systems, and coordination languages. There will be a special emphasis on heterogeneity. In particular, the following issues will be examined:
- How do software components in different implementation languages and executing on different types of computers cooperate?
- What are the merits of the various proposed solutions in this field (e.g. DCE, ToolTalk, Corba, COM, etc.)?
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Frans Snijders
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. +31-20-5924171; Fax +31-20-5924199