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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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EUREKA brokerage event "Environmental monitoring"

A EUREKA brokerage event on "Environmental monitoring" will take place in Manchester, United Kingdom, from 20 to 22 November 1996. It is organized by the UK EUREKA EUROENVIRON Office, with support from the UK Department of Trade and Industry and DG XII of the European Commissi...

20 November 1996 - 20 November 1996
United Kingdom
A EUREKA brokerage event on "Environmental monitoring" will take place in Manchester, United Kingdom, from 20 to 22 November 1996. It is organized by the UK EUREKA EUROENVIRON Office, with support from the UK Department of Trade and Industry and DG XII of the European Commission.

The EUREKA programme aims to facilitate collaborative R&D projects between companies and research organizations across Europe. The present brokerage event is held within the framework of the EUROENVIRON network, part of the EUREKA programme focusing on environmental technologies.

The event aims to promote the creation of collaborative research projects in the field of environmental monitoring between European industrial companies, research and technology organizations and higher education institutes, located in the EUREKA countries throughout Europe. In particular, it will provide a forum for organizations to exchange ideas on potential R&D and feasibility studies and to encourage organizations from different countries to form partnerships in order to prepare proposals for the EUROENVIRON network.

A series of workshops will be held on air, water and solids monitoring, as well as data management.
For further information, please contact:

WRC plc
Mr. Peter Newman
Henley Road
Bucks SL7 2HD
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-1491-571531; Fax +44-1491-579094


European Commission
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