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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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AEROMART - European business convention on the aeronautical industry

AEROMART, the European business convention on the aeronautical industry, will be held in Toulouse, France, from 11 to 13 December 1996. It is organized by IBEX, the International Buyers' Exhibition, with financial support from DG XXIII of the European Commission.

The aim of t...

11 December 1996 - 11 December 1996
AEROMART, the European business convention on the aeronautical industry, will be held in Toulouse, France, from 11 to 13 December 1996. It is organized by IBEX, the International Buyers' Exhibition, with financial support from DG XXIII of the European Commission.

The aim of the convention is for major contractors in the aerospace industry to meet potential subcontractors. Smaller companies will also be able to meet with other similar companies to form partnerships. These meetings will be pre-arranged following registration with the organizers; companies will be able to arrange a maximum of 17 meetings.

In addition to the meetings, there will be a debate on the future of the European aeronautical industry.
For further information, please contact:

Adhésion et associés
General organization AEROMART
9 rue de l'Ancienne Mairie
F-92771 Boulogne Cedex
Tel. +33-1-41864186; Fax +33-1-46038626