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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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EITC'96 - European Information Technology Conference and Exhibition

The annual European Information Technology Conference (EITC), organized by DG III (Industry) of the European Commission, is a major event in the European information technologies calendar. This year, EITC will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from 25 to 27 November 1996. It wi...

25 November 1996 - 25 November 1996
The annual European Information Technology Conference (EITC), organized by DG III (Industry) of the European Commission, is a major event in the European information technologies calendar. This year, EITC will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from 25 to 27 November 1996. It will be complemented by an exhibition that will run concurrently at the Congress Centre in Brussels.

This year's theme, "Doing business in the Information Society", will focus on electronic commerce, IT applications, enabling technologies and major take-up initiatives.

A key part of the conference, "Access to financial markets", will feature case-studies of successful innovator-investor partnerships, workshops on the many new financial instruments now available, and round tables featuring prominent investors. An intensive tutorial for SMEs on "Approaching venture capitalists" will also take place.

Two parallel sessions will be held on "Training for IT". They will present case-studies of how companies are addressing the formal and vocational training needs of their employees in IT-related skills.

The exhibition will feature company-centred stands presenting leading-edge technologies and products stemming from the ESPRIT programme and the outcome and potential of ESPRIT take-up and technology transfer actions. The exhibition will also include the cyberspace Zap Café and a showcase for the "Web for Schools" initiative.

The CORDIS team will be present at EITC'96, and will demonstrate the nine online CORDIS services, the CD-ROM, the Watch-CORDIS Windows interface to the online services, and the CORDIS World Wide Web server.
For further information, please contact:

European Commission
DG III - Industry
EITC'96 Conference Secretariat
Mr. Jochen Richter
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2966613

Further information may also be found on the World Wide Web at:

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CORDIS Customer Service
4 rue Jos Felten
L-1508 Howald
Tel. +352-4410122240; Fax +352-4410122248

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