Charging for ATM
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks provide a wide range of bearer capacities and supported services. The networks' flexibility means that users have the opportunity to exploit the network resources in a range of creative ways. Network providers will have to ensure that resources are available to meet customer demand. They will also need to recover from users the cost involved in making these resources available.
The ACTS programme has several projects conducting user trials in this area. Papers are invited for this colloquium, which will report on work in progress on the development of principles, strategies and algorithms for charging for ATM services.
Topics of interest include:
- Charging principles (ATM and Internet);
- QoS relationship to charging;
- Tariffing for broadband services;
- Alternative methods of charging (cost, usage or value based);
- Charging shaping, policing and CAC;
- Accounting systems;
- Billing and hot billing;
- Charging for residential and business users.
Please send abstracts, of approximately 300 words, to:
Institute of Electrical Engineers
Ms. Amanda Stokoe
Savoy Place
London WC2R OBL
United Kingdom
Fax +44-171-4973633