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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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JRC Blue Seminar on removal of priority pollutants

The seventh JRC Blue Seminar on the removal of priority pollutants from aqueous waste and environmental streams will be held in Ispra, Italy, on 22 July 1996.

The Blue Seminars, organized by the Environment Institute of the Community's Joint Research Centre, aim to improve un...

22 July 1996 - 22 July 1996
The seventh JRC Blue Seminar on the removal of priority pollutants from aqueous waste and environmental streams will be held in Ispra, Italy, on 22 July 1996.

The Blue Seminars, organized by the Environment Institute of the Community's Joint Research Centre, aim to improve understanding of aquatic processes and how they are affected by human activities, and to identify the present state and future development of water technologies needed to cope with the major threats affecting the water cycle.

The seminar on the removal of priority pollutants will include recent developments:

- Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of atrazine;
- Ion exchange and sorption with inorganic materials;
- Photocatalysis to remove phenolic substances in the presence of complexes of base metals;
- New activated carbons with highly controlled chemical groups on the surface, capable of removing pollutants which are not extracted by traditional carbons.
For further information, please contact:

Joint Research Centre
Environment Institute
Dr. Giovanni Bidoglio/Dr. Ruzena Markos
I-21020 Ispra (VA)
Tel. +39-332-789383/789160
E-mail: or E-mail:

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