Public Council debates to be held during Irish Presidency
Among the public debates will be the following:
- Green Paper on Innovation: Research Council, 7 October, Luxembourg;
- Effects of car oils on air quality: Environment Council, 15 October, Luxembourg;
- Lifelong education and training: Education Council, 21 November, Brussels;
- Consumer protection in the Information Society: Consumer Affairs Council, 25 November, Brussels;
- Renewable energy sources strategy: Energy Council, 3 December, Brussels.
These Council debates are open to the general public, who may follow the proceedings on television screens in all the Community languages, in a room adjacent to the Council meeting.
Further information about these may be obtained from:
Council of the European Union
Press Office
175 rue de la Loi
B-1048 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2856231; Fax +32-2-2858026