The population approach in drug development and clinical evaluation
The conference is organized in the framework of COST Action B1, "Predicting and managing variability in the kinetics of drugs during their discovery, development and use", now in its third phase. The COST programme provides a framework for European cooperation in scientific and technical research.
The conference will discuss the following issues:
- Managing pharmacokinetic variability;
- Managing pharmacodynamic variability;
- Study design and data collection;
- Integration of the population approach into drug development.
The organizers are interested in receiving poster abstracts for the conference.
Abstracts should be submitted, by 30 October 1996, to:
University of Manchester
Dr. L. Aarons
Department of Pharmacy
Manchester M13 9PL
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-161-2752357; Fax +44-161-2752396
Further information about the conference may obtained from:
Symporg SA
Mrs. M. Ducrest-Tanzi
7 avenue Pictet-de-Rochemont
CH-1207 Geneva
Tel. +41-22-7863744; Fax +41-22-7864080