TMR Scientific Meetings 1997
The aim of these scientific meetings is to bring young researchers and established scientists together to discuss focused themes at the cutting-edge of research.
Scientific meetings scheduled for 1997 cover the following specialized subject areas:
- Physics;
- Chemistry;
- Earth sciences;
- Economic, social and human sciences;
- Engineering sciences;
- Life sciences;
- Mathematical and information sciences.
Organizers of TMR Scientific Meetings have been provided with funds to support the participation of a limited number of young researchers. Researchers (generally up to age 35) must be citizens of the European Union or researchers working long-term in an EU Member State. For some conferences young researchers from all the countries of the European Economic Area are also eligible.
The full list of meetings may be consulted on the TMR homepage of the CORDIS WWW server at:
For further information on the TMR programme, please contact:
European Commission
DG XII - Science, research and development
Directorate G/3 - Training and mobility of researchers
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2960254