EMIP'96 - European Market for Infrastructural Projects
The aim of EMIP'96 is to provide a platform for discussion of present-day and future European infrastructure projects in the transport and telecommunications sectors. Special attention is focused on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean countries where developments in this area are moving ahead very rapidly. The event provides a meeting point for decision makers from both trade and industry and from the public sector: in short "the market meets politics".
The conference programme will provide an insight into the latest issues and activities relating to the development of trans-European networks in the transport and telecommunications sectors. A high-quality trade fair will further facilitate the match-making process between public and private parties. In particular, national governments will be updating potential partners in the private sector on the latest developments relating to future projects.
For further information, please contact:
Erasmus Forum
Marcel van Marrewijk
PO Box 1738
NL-3000 DR Rotterdam
Tel. +31-10-4082424/4082301; Fax +31-10-4530784
E-mail: EMIP@forum.svdu.eur.nl