European conference on satellite altimetry
The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, the presentation of latest developments in the field and for further collaboration between European organizations. In particular the organizers are encouraging the participation of students and young scientists.
Topics to be discussed at the conference include:
- Geodesy;
- Oceanography;
- Glaciology;
- Land applications;
- Meteorology;
- Sensor design;
- Algorithms;
- Precise orbit determination.
The organizers wish to encourage participation by less experienced scientists. Funding to assist young scientists (under 35) from the EU and Iceland and Norway to attend the conference will be available from the Euroconferences activity of the European Community's specific RTD programme in the field of human capital and mobility (HCM).
For further information, please contact:
University of Porto
Ms. Joana Fernandes
Fourth European Conference on Satellite Altimetry
Observatorio Astronomico
Monte da Virgem
P-4430 Vila Nova de Gaia
Tel. +351-2-7820404; Fax +351-2-7827253