Cities and Regions Info Way to Europe: The Bangemann Challenge Mid-Term Review
The city of Stockholm launched the Bangemann Challenge in December 1995 in response to the Commission's "Bangemann Report" on Europe and the global Information Society. The aim of the competition is to encourage the application of the most advanced information technologies in cities throughout Europe. All European cities and regions are invited to take part in this challenge, which will conclude at the end of 1996 with the selection of the winning city or regional project.
European cities will be exhibiting their best "Information Society" projects at the Barcelona conference. This will allow a mid-term review of existing projects and their state of development throughout 1996. Projects will be centred around the ten key areas set out in the Bangemann Report:
- Teleworking;
- Distance learning;
- University networks;
- Telematics for SMEs;
- Road traffic management;
- Air traffic control;
- Healthcare;
- Electronic tendering;
- Public administration;
- City information highway.
The conference will be structured around working groups within the aforementioned categories. There will also be a large roundtable debate, open to the public, on the present and future of telecommunications.
The "Bangemann Challenge" initiative is supported by the European Commission's Information Society Project Office (ISPO) and by Commission Directorates III and XIII.
For further information, please contact:
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Gabinet de Relacions Internacionals
Placa Sant Jaume 2
E-08002 Barcelona
Tel. +34-3-4027883; Fax +34-3-4027877
Further details on the conference are also available on the World Wide Web at: