Quality assurance and accreditation of air pollution laboratories
The Framework Directive on air quality assessment and management (Directive 8495/95) requires the introduction of quality assurance systems for all laboratories responsible for air quality monitoring. Quality assurance accreditation on the basis of EN 45000 and ISO 9000 is rapidly gaining importance in Europe.
The workshop will focus on the implementation of the Directive, with particular emphasis on the introduction of quality assurance systems. Sessions will cover the consequences and procedures of quality assurance accreditation. Representatives of several laboratories who have gained quality assurance accreditation will present their experiences to participants.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Public Relations and Publications Unit
TP 020
I-21020 Ispra (VA)
Tel. +39-332-789180/785947; Fax +39-332-782435/785409/789502