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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Environmental education in Europe

The fourth conference on the "Renewal of environmental education in Europe" will take place in Chambéry, France, from 18 to 20 September 1997. The theme of the conference will be "Multidisciplinarity and international cooperation in environmental education".

The conference pr...

18 September 1997 - 18 September 1997
The fourth conference on the "Renewal of environmental education in Europe" will take place in Chambéry, France, from 18 to 20 September 1997. The theme of the conference will be "Multidisciplinarity and international cooperation in environmental education".

The conference programme will cover all aspects of environmental education including: engineering, economics, modelling, computer-aided education and original curricula experience. A poster exhibition and a small exhibition for software and professional applications will be held in parallel to the conference.

Papers are invited in the following topics:

- Teaching and European cooperation in environmental education including: programmes, curricula, continuous education and successful experience of European Community education programmes such as ERASMUS, SOCRATES, TEMPUS and LEONARDO;
- Different points of view on environmental science: technical science and engineering against social and human sciences;
- Sustainable development and environmental education;
- Multimedia and new communication tools (educational software, Internet etc.).

Abstracts should be submitted to the organizing committee by 1 February 1997.
For further information, and for submission of abstracts, please contact:

Université de Savoie
Dr. Hervé Boileau
Campus Technolac
F-73376 Le Bourget du Lac
Tel. +33-79758812; Fax +33-79758772 (until 18 October 1996)
Tel. +33-4-79758812; Fax +33-4-79758772 (from 19 October 1996)