Environmental education in Europe
The conference programme will cover all aspects of environmental education including: engineering, economics, modelling, computer-aided education and original curricula experience. A poster exhibition and a small exhibition for software and professional applications will be held in parallel to the conference.
Papers are invited in the following topics:
- Teaching and European cooperation in environmental education including: programmes, curricula, continuous education and successful experience of European Community education programmes such as ERASMUS, SOCRATES, TEMPUS and LEONARDO;
- Different points of view on environmental science: technical science and engineering against social and human sciences;
- Sustainable development and environmental education;
- Multimedia and new communication tools (educational software, Internet etc.).
Abstracts should be submitted to the organizing committee by 1 February 1997.
For further information, and for submission of abstracts, please contact:
Université de Savoie
Dr. Hervé Boileau
Campus Technolac
F-73376 Le Bourget du Lac
Tel. +33-79758812; Fax +33-79758772 (until 18 October 1996)
Tel. +33-4-79758812; Fax +33-4-79758772 (from 19 October 1996)
E-mail: boileau@univ-savoie.fr