IEA'97 - From Experience to Innovation
The congress, which is supported by the European Commission (DGV and DG XII) will cover all areas of ergonomics and human factors, including:
- Organizational development and management;
- Human factors in design;
- Safety and accident prevention;
- Human computer interaction;
- Rehabilitation and ergonomics;
- Human factors in traffic and transportation;
- Standardization in ergonomics.
The theme the congress, "From Experience to Innovation", emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature of ergonomics. The conference programme will aim to achieve a good balance between scientific research, reviews of latest innovations and case studies of practical applications.
For further information, please contact:
Tampere University of Technology
Occupational Safety Engineering
Mr. Markku Leppänen - Secretary General
PO Box 541
FIN-33101 Tampere
Tel. +358-31-3652581; Fax +358-31-3652671 (before 12 October 1996)
Tel. +358-3-3652581; Fax +358-3-3652671 (after 12 October 1996)
Up-to-date information is also available on the World Wide Web at: