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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Contenu archivé le 2022-07-29

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Conference on agro-industry and forestry RTD, March 1992

A two day conference will be held in Brussels on 11-12 March 1992 to bring together participants in the ECLAIR, FLAIR and FOREST programmes and provide an opportunity for them to make contact with the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration...

11 Mars 1992 - 11 Mars 1992
A two day conference will be held in Brussels on 11-12 March 1992 to bring together participants in the ECLAIR, FLAIR and FOREST programmes and provide an opportunity for them to make contact with the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration in agriculture and agro-industry including fisheries (1991-1994). The conference will enable the agro-industrial community to meet, share ideas, and thus strengthen technology transfer. At the same time, the Commission hopes to gain insight into future trends in agro-industry, in order to define RTD priorities.Full information is available from:
European Congress Consultants and Organizers
27 A, rue de l'Abbaye
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-6478780; Fax +32-2-6406697

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