ACTS Mobile Communications Summit 1998
The objective of this annual event, now in its third year, is to provide a major forum for the dissemination of the results of European research initiatives, undertaken within the context of the ACTS programme, towards Third Generation Mobile Communication Systems such as UMTS, MBS and WLANs, including their satellite components. Contributions from outside the ACTS programme and from outside Europe relating to Third Generation Mobile Communication Systems are also anticipated.
The main emphasis of this year's Summit will be on the implementation of prototype communication systems, anticipated to be available for on-site demonstration, which is the main theme for the 1998 ACTS Mobile Summit.
The topics to be covered will include:
- Technology/System trials for UMTS/MBS/WLAN/BRAN;
- Mobile/Wireless services and applications;
- Mobile multimedia;
- Network management, TMN, IN;
- Digital cellular technology and planning;
- Service access procedures and QoS;
- Multi-functional and multi-mode terminals;
- Broadband wireless local loop;
- Mobile satellite systems;
- UMTS/MBS/WLAN/BRAN system design;
- Multiple access techniques;
- Receiver and transmitter technology;
- Radio over fibre;
- Wireless ATM;
- Advanced antenna systems;
- Spectrum standards aspects;
- The role of industrial wireless fora.
Within the framework of the Summit, a one-day workshop on Software Radio Technologies, organized in close collaboration with the MMITS Forum, will take place on 11 June. This workshop will feature contributions from Europe, the US and the Asia/Pacific region, and will be concluded with a Round Table discussion with an international panel of experts.
For further information, please contact:
ACTS Mobile Summit '98
Ms. Emmanouela Valvi
Intracom sa
19.5 km Markopoulou Avenue
GR-19002 Peania Attika
Tel. +30-1-6860430; Fax +30-1-6860312
European Commission
DG XIII - Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research
Mr. B. Arroyo
200 rue de la Loi (BU-9 4/11)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963592; Fax +32-2-2950654