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Contenido archivado el 2023-03-27

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Second Community action programme (EEC) for disabled people (HELIOS), 1988-1991

Council Decision 63/266/EEC of 2 April 1963 lays down general principles for implementing a common vocational training policy and states that special measures may be taken in respect of special problems concerning specific sectors of activity or specific categories of persons. People with disabilities have specific needs in the fields of vocational training and rehabilitation and economic integration and are accordingly a specific category of persons for the purposes of the Decision.

In the Council resolution of 27 June 1974, establishing an initial action programme for the vocational training of handicapped persons (Official Journal No C 80 of 9.7.1974) rehabilitation is defined as "a whole set of measures aimed at establishing and maintaining the most satisfactory relation possible between the individual and his environment after appearance of a handicap or an injury or illness resulting in a handicap". The European Parliament, in its resolution of 11 March 1981 (Official Journal No C 77 of 6.4.1981) stressed the need to promote at Community level the economic, social and vocational integration of disabled people. The resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 21 December 1981 on the social integration of handicapped people (Official Journal No C 347 of 31.12.1981) established a first action programme to promote such integration. This second Community action programme followed on from the first in this field.

The objectives of the Community include the accelerated raising of the standard of living and this second programme was designed to contribute to that objective through the implementation of a number of specific actions to promote the social integration and independent way of life of people with disabilities. It was designed to complement action taken at national level, in particular by ensuring coordination of these actions and exchanges of experience gleaned from them. The objectives of the programme were as follows:
- To develop, in the fields of vocational training and rehabilitation, economic integration, social integration and an independent way of life for disabled people, a Community approach based on the best innovatory experience in the Member States;
- To develop exchange and information activities which fall outside the scope of the European Social Fund but can make a useful contribution in the fields of vocational training and rehabilitation, economic and social integration and an independent way of life for disabled people;
- To contribute to the implementation of recommendation 86/379/EEC and of the resolution of the Council and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council of 21 December 1981;
- To continue and, where necessary, extend Community support to the European cooperation of non-governmental organizations in the fields of vocational training and rehabilitation, economic and social integration and an independent way of life for disabled people;
- To give appropriate attention to the vocational needs of disabled women and the promotion of their social integration and independent way of life and those with special responsibilities in caring for disabled children or adults at home.

For the purposes of the programme, 'disabled people' meant all people with serious disabilities resulting from physical or mental impairments.
To promote vocational training, rehabilitation, economic integration, social integration and an independent way of life for disabled people.
Specific measures:

- Community network of vocational training or rehabilitation centres and experiments:
. The restructuring of the present Community network of vocational training or rehabilitation centres with a view to facilitating the exchange of experiences and giving an impetus to the development of vocational training or rehabilitation measures;

- Specific measures on an independent way of life:
. Establishment of a specific programme to promote an independent way of life covering mobility and transport, access to public buildings and facilities and housing;

- Networks of local pilot projects:
. Promotion of vocational training and rehabilitation and economic integration including support for European conferences, information, documentation and advice, study visits and seminars for project leaders;
. Promotion of social integration and an independent way of life including support for European conferences, information, documentation and advice, study visits, seminars for project leaders;

- HANDYNET system:
. Coordination and further development of the European Community computerized information system on disability questions, in the official languages of the Community;

- Subsidies to outside activities of European cooperation:
. Annual scheme to support European cooperation activities and projects undertaken by independent bodies, in particular associations of or for disabled people, and concerning the fields of vocational training and rehabilitation, economic and social integration and an independent way of life for disabled people;

- Further specific measures in connection with the above specific measures:
. Cooperation with external experts responsible for assisting the Commission in the coordination, stimulation and evaluation of the exchange activities and a documentation service for participants in the activities;

- Preparation of policy proposals:
. Studies and seminars on which to base proposals or essential technical support for operations concerning the fields of vocational training and rehabilitation, economic and social integration and an independent way of life for disabled people.
The Commission was responsible for implementing the programme assisted by an advisory committtee consisting of two governmental representatives per Member State and chaired by a Commission representative. The Commission representative submitted to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. Before consulting the committee, the Commission obtained the opinion of a liaison group chaired by the Commission representative and consisting of the governmental representatives, nine representatives of disabled people or of their families, one representative of organizations representing employers and one of organizations representing employees.

The Commission submitted an interim report and a full report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation and results of the programme.