Specific programme of research and technological development (EEC) in the field of telematic systems in areas of general interest - Transport services -, 1990-1994
The orientation of the new action is focused on preparing for implementation of Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) systems expected to lead towards the Integrated Road Transport Environment (IRTE). This represents a progression from the orientation of DRIVE I on exploring options and broadens the range of participants to include a significant number of city and regional authorities who are including, as an important element of their own current and future programmes, the European validation of earlier research and development within the Transport Telematics frame of DRIVE.
The principal DRIVE objectives of safety, efficiency and environmental improvement continue in DRIVE II. The projects are concentrated around seven Areas of Major Operational Interest. Within each of the areas the themes of Systems Engineering and Implementation Strategies, ATT Systems and Techniques and Validation through Pilot Projects are taken up.
To fulfil its mission, DRIVE liaises in particular with ECMT (European Conference of Ministers for Transport), CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, CEPT, EUREKA and ERTICO (European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization).
To contribute to the development, in the field of transport, of integrated trans-European services using advanced IT and communications to improve the performance (safety and efficiency) of passenger and goods transport services, and at the same time reduce the impact of transport on the environment.
Three interactive parts:
- Strategies for the use of technologies, telematic services and systems and contribution to the definition of common functional specifications;
- Technologies and experimental development of systems;
- Validation and pilot projects.
Seven areas of major operational interest:
- Demand management:
Use of technology in helping urban authorities and the managers of inter-urban transport to strike an efficient balance between travellers' demands and preferences and the capacity of the road and rail network;
- Traffic and traffic information systems:
Collection, processing and distribution of travel and traffic information of direct use to people at home, in the office and in the course of a journey;
- Integrated urban traffic management systems:
Improvement and integration of transport systems used in cities;
- Integrated inter-urban traffic management systems:
Systems for traffic control and driver information on motorways and parallel roads;
- Driver assistance and cooperative driving:
Systems to assist the driver and to communicate information between vehicles;
- Freight and fleet management:
Freight and logistic management systems enabling inter-modal operations;
- Public transport management:
Implementation and testing of an integral vehicle scheduling and control system for inter-urban and rural public transport applications.
The Commission is responsible for the implementation of the programme, assisted by a Management Committee composed of representatives of the Member States.
The programme comprises research and technological development (RTD) projects and accompanying measures.
The projects are the subject of shared-cost contracts, with Community financial participation not normally exceeding 50%. Universities and other research centres have the option of requesting, for each project, either 50% funding of total expenditure or 100% funding of the additional marginal costs. Contracts relating to shared-cost research projects must as a general rule be concluded following a selection procedure based on calls for proposals published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Projects must, as a general rule, provide for the participation of at least two partners, each independent of the other, established in different Member States.
The Commission is authorized to negotiate, in accordance with Article 130n of the Treaty, international agreements with third countries which are members of COST, in particular the member countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with a view to associating them with the whole programme or a part of it. Where framework agreements for scientific and technical cooperation have been concluded between the Community and European non-Member States, bodies and enterprises established in those countries may, on the basis of the criterion of mutual benefit, be allowed to become partners in a project undertaken within the programme.
No contracting body based outside the Community and participating as a partner in a project undertaken within the programme may benefit from Community financing for this programme. The body concerned shall contribute to the general administrative costs.