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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Programme Category

Contenido archivado el 2024-06-12

Article available in the following languages:


Specific Programme "Capacities": Support to the coherent development of research policies



Europe needs to improve the coherence of research policies at the regional, national and
European level and increase its potential in the production and use of knowledge in order to
become more competitive and provide solutions to some of the challenges it faces today.

What's the benefit for citizens:

Public investment in research will become more cost effective through better monitoring and
coordination of research policy across Europe. It is envisaged that better collaboration between
policy makers across national, regional and European levels will lead to identification of good
practices and better policy development. This would improve the conditions for conducting
research and ultimately improve Europe's potential in creating jobs and growth. It will also
provide a better assessment of the impact of public expenditure in research on leveraging private
investment and on competitiveness.

What's the benefit for researchers:

Actions are mainly targeting policy makers but will ultimately improve conditions for conducting
research. One specific action will further develop the European strategy for human resources
and mobility in research through a number of regional, national and Community policy initiatives
such as funding of programmes, legislation, recommendations and guidelines. The common
objective of these initiatives is to stimulate researchers to stay in Europe and attract the best
brains from all over the world.
The following activities will be supported during FP7:
• Monitoring, analysis and impact assessment of public research policies and
industrial strategies. The development of indicators will provide information and
evidence in the design, implementation and evaluation in the trans-national
coordination of policies.
• Strengthening, on a voluntary basis, the coordination of research policies in a
twofold manner: first, through actions supporting the implementation of the open
method of co-ordination (OMC) and second, through bottom-up trans-national
cooperation initiatives undertaken at national or regional level on issues of
common interest.

What's the benefit for industry and SMEs:

Increasing investment in research and development to reach 3% of the GDP in the EU by 2010,
out of which 2/3 should come from private sources and improving its effectiveness, is a top
priority of the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs.
Therefore, it is essential to strengthen public support for research and its leverage effect on
investment by private actors. In addition the identification of the most suitable measures to
encourage research and development investment in SMEs, particularly those with a high growth
potential, will contribute towards a higher investment in research.