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Development and roll-out of innovative energy efficiency services


Proposals aiming at developing, demonstrating and standardising new types of energy efficiency services and business models in all sectors (incl. mobility), which could better monetise the multiple benefits of energy efficiency[[International Energy Agency (2014), Capturing The Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency]].

Supporting the further development of energy performance contracting or similar methods based on monetisation of energy savings and other benefits by new types of actors (e.g. industry, facility managers, construction companies, social housing operators, or other actors) and/or in new market segments (e.g. residential sector).

Support the development of innovative energy efficiency services and business models for industrial and service companies enhancing the implementation of energy audit recommendations. Special focus should be placed on the implementation of energy efficiency measures in industries and companies that use large shares of thermal demand (e.g. hotels, leisure centres, retail, hospitals) in order to accelerate the uptake of energy efficient and renewable heating and cooling solutions.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 million and EUR 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

As underlined in the Investment plan for Europe, significant investments are needed in the scale of around EUR 100 billion per year[[Estimation based on the Impact Assessment of the Energy Efficiency Communication, SWD (2014) 255 final.]] in order to meet the 2020 and 2030 energy efficiency targets of the European Union. While the EU Structural and Investment Funds and national support schemes can contribute to some extent with public finance, most of the financing needs to come from the private sector. The Energy Efficiency Market Report by the International Energy Agency[[International Energy Agency (2014). Energy Efficiency Market Report 2014. Paris.]] confirms that energy efficiency is becoming an established financial market segment, energy efficiency finance is expanding and innovating, with new funding approaches and business models, and the market potential for energy efficiency is growing significantly. However, in order to reach more quickly the full market potential, the development and large-scale uptake of new business models and energy efficiency services such as Energy Performance Contracting combined with innovative financing solutions are needed to better monetise the future energy savings for the initial investments.

Proposed actions are expected to demonstrate the impacts listed below (wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets):

  • Viability of innovative energy efficiency services.
  • Investments in sustainable energy made by stakeholders in sustainable energy while employing innovative financing schemes based on energy services (in million Euro of investments per million Euro of EU funding)
  • Primary energy savings triggered by the project within its duration (in GWh/year per million Euro of EU funding)
  • Renewable Energy production triggered by the project within its duration (in GWh/year per million Euro of EU funding)