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Sustainable practices for the integration of newly arrived migrants into societies


This coordination and support action will draw on specific actions and research in the integration of new migrants in European societies. It assesses the types of practices carried out to address the integration challenges stemming from the migratory crisis in Europe, considering the numerous tools, instruments and actions funded, in policy as well as in research. Lessons from best practices and difficulties will provide policy recommendations from which the EU, national, regional and local governments can draw and share experiences through exchanges with all stakeholders. An online platform structure will be developed to provide European visibility.

Proposals are encouraged to identify, monitor and/or engage with relevant EU projects on migration and integration funded under Horizon 2020, as well as those funded under AMIF, European social Fund and Erasmus +. The collection of new knowledge and innovative practices should include gender-related aspects. It should have a focus on improving the good governance of migrant integration, measuring the impact of the actions implemented, and delivering innovation in support of improved outcomes for both migrants and the communities in which they live. Project participants are encouraged to work in close contact with local, regional and national administrations, or legal entities designated to act on their behalf on the issue of migrant integration.

Proposals should develop participatory techniques to extract policy implications from research findings, with particular regard to past migration related Horizon 2020 projects, including their research teams where relevant. A strong cooperation is specifically essential with consortia involved in the RIAs and IAs of MIGRATION-04, to readily integrate the outputs produced in this forward-looking CSA action.

This should be complemented by strategies for dissemination to relevant stakeholders in view of exploitation of results. An interactive online repository should be set up that can provide for customised searches and reports. The engagement of the public to increase awareness of the added value of European research and innovation activities on migration is encouraged.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in order of 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

The unorderly arrival of large numbers of migrants across Europe since 2014 has determined an exceptional mobilisation of resources (often fragmented in multiple small scale and time-limited projects) used to ensure a successful integration of migrants in European societies. Funding has been mobilised at the EU, national, regional and local levels, determining a great number of actions both in policy and in research. After such an emergency response, it is now time to take stock of the work carried out, understanding the impact of the resources used and considering the lessons learnt.

This CSA action will establish a solid and readily accessible evidence base in support of migration and integration policies and will contribute to improved practices for all stakeholders involved, policies and strategies at local, national and EU level, including urban and rural spaces. It will advance the implementation of the EU Urban Agenda and of the UN Sustainable Development Goals dedicated to making cities and rural communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Furthermore, the action may contribute to the deployment of migration-related innovation on the market and in society, by highlighting what most works amongst the great number of actions funded over the past years. Finally, it will reduce the R&I division by improving the flow of knowledge in the field between researchers, practitioners and policymakers across Europe.