ATM application-oriented Research for U-space and urban Air Mobility
The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. The list is not intended to be prescriptive; proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the U-space and UAM flagship.
- Validation of UAM operational and technical requirements. This research will look at the development and validation of the operational concept of UAM, looking at the additional requirements for the urban environment (compared with the U-space requirements for non-urban airspace). In addition, the delta from the U-space in terms of infrastructure and CNS challenges in the urban airspace should be addressed (R&I need: enable UAM).
- Measures to protect the privacy of the European citizen in a U-space environment. This research is aimed